Environmental Conservation, Sustainable Development & EIA

Source : www.livemint.com Date : 2018-11-19 OPINION Relevant for: Environment & Disaster Management Topic: Environmental Conservation, Sustainable Development & EIA Earlier this year, when French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Beijing, he looked at the clear blue skies above and exclaimed: “I’ve never seen Beijing like this!” Macron was not off the mark. Ten years ago,…

Across The Aisle: The Day Of Reckoning

Source : www.indianexpress.com Date : 2018-11-18 OPINION Relevant for: Indian Economy Topic: Issues relating to Growth & Development – Banking, NPAs and RBI A perceptive writer has pointed out that the government and the central bank are a team in a three-legged race; they either run together or fall down. Growth and price stability — two…

Kerala’s New Modernity

Source :www.indianexpress.com Date : 2018-11-18 OPINION Relevant for: History & Culture Topic: Social & Cultural Awakening in the First half of the 19th Century In the history of Indian renaissance, Ayya Vaikunda Swami is seldom mentioned. Raja Rammohan Roy, called the father of renaissance in India, led a modern, upper-class establishment that catered to the already…

Is maharashtra reeling under drought?

Source : www.thehindu.com Date : 2018-11-18 OPINION Relevant for: Indian Economy Topic: Agriculture Issues and related constraints What happened? At the end of October, the Maharashtra government declared drought in 151 taluks in 26 of 36 districts, mostly in the Marathwada region and in the north. Experts said rainfall had been below par in large…